To be extremly shocked; in shock.
Tonia walked up to Bridget and said "I'm gonna have to repeat the grade!!"

"HOLY GUACAMOLE!!", Bridget exclaimed.
by HOLYGUACAMOLE96 June 4, 2009
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When you're black and you use a straw to suck the diarrhea out of your girls butt and then funnel it back into her nose. Leaving her senseless.
Lakesha had food poisoning so I gave her some African Guacamole. She seems better now. She also had some chips.
by Bloodydragonluvr69 June 5, 2016
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Discharge form a womens vagina, that is so thick it leaves a greenish trail in her underwear.
Damn girl! You need to get checked! Your vagina left a guacamole trail in your panties
by DirtyBird006 July 13, 2010
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mix together 2 oz. of beer, a shot of tequila, a splash of Tabasco, and a spoonful of guacamole in a whiskey glass. Shoot it in one gulp or sip it for prolonged gratification.
I bought a friend of mine a Guacamole Shooter for her birthday.
by Duke Superballs March 12, 2009
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When you cum in a girl's dirty ears and mix that shit around
Yo bro, that chick at the party last night had nasty ass ears, I gave that bitch the dirty guacamole and sent her ass home.
by PeanutButterCumDumpster August 4, 2019
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When someone takes a massive runny green shit and tries to pass it off as guacamole
Steve: "Damn bro I just had green diarrhea"
Greg: "Cool let's bring some Benjamin's guacamole to the party"
by Unidef September 15, 2023
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The act of jizzing in a bowl and proceeding to ruse a girl into thinking it is chip dip.

Canadian because unlike the traditional guacamole it is white like snow.
I was mad at my girlfriend so I decided to feed her some Canadian Guacamole
by KCJD November 17, 2013
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