by Charly Sheen October 1, 2012
by co5oo May 8, 2019
by Poopypant brown hole April 4, 2011
by El Guh, The milk and cereal September 9, 2022
A Cone so packed no mortal man can conquer, leaving a trail of blazing wake in your eyes and throat. Shearing the mere parts of your human soul.
by Jimmison! January 14, 2011
1. A type of feces that burn your rectum very badly while being pooped out of your body. This is normally caused by high acid foods and jalepenos.
by Megatoast,, a kid who eats jalepenos February 7, 2005
a term or insult used to describe an ugly crybaby ex who in order to forget you went on to suck gay scene emo mexican kid cock
Marisol:Damn, that Richy McCloskey sure loves Mateo's penis in or around his mouth
Moses:He sure does, man, what a firey latin dick-sucker.
Moses:He sure does, man, what a firey latin dick-sucker.
by Marisol Puga December 15, 2008