A fimp is a friend simp. It means that you simp for them but in a friend way because there is no romantic connection there. It means that you care about your friendship with the person so much that you are a push over with them and always want them in your life.
‘you forgave that person so easily. Your such a fimp
by Jasmine Lily Allsop January 24, 2021
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A female version of simp

A female who is putting a bum bitch on a bad bitch level treating them like they royal when they are no where close to that

A female who spends time and money on a kid who isn't even theirs

it's their girlfriend/boyfriends kid and they put them first priority even before family and work no matter what
She just bought her gf/'sbf's kid all those gifts but didn't buy her nieces or nephews one

If my girlfriend/boyfriend isn't invited then I'm not going

That's 100% definition of a fimp
by 2ndtono1 December 20, 2019
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A female simp, a woman that idolizes mediocre men
Person 1: Sarah is simping all over steve
You: Yea that bitch is a fimp
by Lookatcurryman30 April 15, 2020
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A Female Simp ; A female who over values herself for the sake of sex. Usually uses social disabilities, and over uses zodiac Signs.
Girl: I can't go to work because of my anxiety. Do you mind if I stay at home with you?

Boy: Uh, sure. You can stay if you want.
by Dont_do_drugs. March 16, 2020
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Short for female simp

A woman who values men so much they would LITERALLY do anything for dick
"Bro Brielle is fimping so hard

"Damn, watch out dude they can get a little bit crazy"
by Perhaps nnn March 7, 2020
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The same thing as a Simp, But Female
Charlotte is trying to respect her way into Trevor's pants, Whatta Fimp
by ColbertDolbert March 28, 2020
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