A very very VERY rich man who enjoys flashing his cash and frequently says "I'm a Farage you can't do that to me"
A man walks up to The Farage and asks if he has any money he can borrow.
The farage then replies of course i have money im a farage, we are brought up in wealth. how much do you want £1000, £2000 or would you prefer it in caviar?

by Professor Popadom March 2, 2007
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A person of responsibility that reacts like Nigel Farage to someone of a different colour.
His Faraging got him sent down
by Sharona is a April 29, 2014
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verb - pronounciation fa (as in fat) ridge
To publicly bring something or someone into a state of chronic mental and behavioural confusion as an act of self gratification.
Surrounded by neighbours asking him not to, Niggie faraged the woman across the road: the one with those bloody cats.
by Oblimey bin Faraged November 15, 2016
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A sex act similar to the act of roughage, but passive, and involving bank clerks.
M'lud, the prosecution will show that the defendant, on the night of December 10th, did indeed engage in an act of farage - and that he was moreover no stranger to the practice of faraging.
by Pipe Downn June 21, 2011
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The foul juice you get at the bottom of a bin, which inevitably drips from the bin bag onto the carpet
ffs there is farage on my slippers
by J*M March 13, 2019
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One of those innocuous little farts that you think you can ignore, then it turns out to be a total shit
Opps, I just let go a farage
by York1e February 1, 2020
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When you think you smell a fart, but it turns out to be something else or you just imagined it.
I smelled a farage today; it turned out to be someone's b.o.
by jennifaron December 19, 2011
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