(Adj.) A word meaning cool or chill. This word is only bested by the word hawk.
Natalie: Did you see Cristina's new haircut?
Renee: Yeah, it's so eagle.
by heyitsrenee March 30, 2010
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When you jump off of something and you want to get the impression that you are soaring
The man was standing on top on his bookshelf, and when he jumped off, he emitted a loud "EAGLE!"
by Peter S.. November 25, 2007
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Someone who has a big ego! You should not compliment eagles!
Please don't give him anymore compliments, he is already a big enough eagle!
by Sammy Schade August 28, 2017
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Comin again to save the Mother Fuckin Day Yeah!
Eagles are the symbol of Freedom
by The Real Squib June 3, 2015
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"Oh man, look at that hawk!"
"Nah, man that's one big-ass bird. It must be an eagle."
by Appleanche September 27, 2014
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To be ‘eagled’ is when a persons unfamiliar, or not part of your friendship group, attempts to become part of the group by following you round, and doesn’t say much; hence the term is often used in a sentence for example “silent eagle” or “black eagle”, which is the general term for the person in question
Oh No! Mike, we have been eagled!
by Black Western Eagle January 15, 2018
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Good eyes; You look out for other people. Can be used in exchange with "good look" or good looking out.
If you saw somebody dropped their wallet and you give it to them they could say "you got eagles"

If someone needed an extra dime while they were at the vending machine and you lent it to them they can say "nice eagles brah"
by ol skool jay September 7, 2006
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