Much like Brunch, its the occasion of eating a meal between Lunch and Dinner. Can be used interchangeably with Linner, though with "Dunch" sounding a lot like "Brunch", it sounds a lot better than Linner, IMO.
"Hey bro want to go out and grab some dunch?" "Damn bro sure"
by JSSRocket June 20, 2020
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A Dunch. The late night shit you take that's a cross breed between your lunch and dinner. This bowel movement usually occurs around 12:00 to 2:00 AM and usually results in massive clogging of household restroom facilities.
-Hey Breh I took a huge Dunch last night.

Guy1: Hey Breh....hey wake up
Guy2: what..what the fuck do you want
Guy1: wheres your plunger?
Guy2: What? Why?
Guy1: I just took a hella big Dunch man its not looking to good in there.

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Any full meal eaten between the hours of 2 and 5 P.M. After 2 is too late to be considered lunch and 5 is too early to be considered dinner.
Tommy ate some dunch.
by SUCK IT TREBEK!! May 23, 2007
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To be a complete idiot or retard. It is a funnier way to say douche or douche bag.

(see dunch-bag or dunchery)
bob- hey whats up guys wanna hang out?

hank- hell no your to much of a dunch.

peter- yeah go be a dunch-bag some where else.
by Kitten Biscuits November 25, 2009
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it is the between lunch and dinner meal. Just like "brunch" is typically the between breakfast and lunch meal.
Let's go out for some dunch.

Is it time for dunch yet?
by Carmen Di~~~ August 4, 2005
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The passing of gas in your sleep, most often directed at the legs (how ever accidentally) of your bed mate.
Damn it woman you gotta cut back on the burritos! You dunched on me again last night!
by lupos January 22, 2008
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A term not commonly used meaning shit or the act of taking a shit
Ryan -" Tom what were you doing in there for so long?"

Tom- " Dude i had to take the biggest Dunch."
by airgroves23 October 8, 2009
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