To get with a girl/to try and get with a girl.
Bro, I'm gonna dice her.

I'm dicing that bitch next.

Who's your next dice?
by aNAIjao September 12, 2010
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I was fuckin my girl hard till I pulled out and diced all over her face
by masterGfizzle November 15, 2009
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When in a large crowd, you call the Name of someone you recognize, and make sure they know its not you. When they turn around to see who called their name, you yell "DICED!"

Most commonly occurs in Boardman High School.
Dude: "Joe"
Joe: *turns around* "yeah"?
Dude: DICE!!!
Joe: "Damn, Why do I always get diced"!?
by Avanelle March 14, 2008
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Meaning six (6) of something, in reference to the number of sides and highest number on a standard dice, being six.
Only a dice of people showed up.

He picked up a dice of beer from the gas-station.
by 4Ringer May 29, 2011
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no chance, no way, not good, not in favor of.
friend: hey man i got this new haircut look at my pic

u: no dice my friend, no dice
by ravi January 6, 2004
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Verb. To kiss some one. To hook up. Origin, Natal, South Africa
Example 1
Person 1: Bro, what did you do last night?
Person 2: I diced some hot girl at the bar!

Example 2
Person 1: So what were you doing over there?
Person 2: I was catching a dice with some bint
by Bigg Jigg May 26, 2009
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