A date in which the man decides what the activity will be. The correct definition of date includes romantic interest so heterosexual man-dating between two males is impossible.
Tony took Deanna to the monster truck rally and then later to Hooters....on their man-date.
by b1ak3 July 12, 2005
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The central location of all man-date activities; The Wendy's on Route Two
Let's go to Man-Date Central, I'm starvin for a JBC and some Boriqua Lovin!
by Coolata February 1, 2004
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Fancy going bald-digging later?

My friend's dating an older man; she's such a bald digger
by Oldmanlover November 1, 2013
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When you and your buddy both want to go do something together without your wives, and you want zero repercussions/complaints or aggression from both of your wives before you leave and when you return, you must invoke the man-date law.
Husband: Honey me and Jeff want to go fishing for the day.

Wife: I think you have other important things to do.
Husband: I invoke the man-date law.
Wife: well can’t argue that. Have a wonderful time honey.
by Thunder buddy January 4, 2023
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