a gurl that thinks she is hard. ususally a younger gurl that has never been in a fight and swears she can whoop a man's ass but would piss her self if it came down to it.
she is a paper cut. another one? damn there all paper cuts these days. y does she insist that she is hard weighing 105Lbs???idfk and dont understand it myself. wtf is going on with this shit?
by $nowman'$exy April 8, 2010
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When you make fun of Meg, she slowly glides the sharp ridge of printer paper on your dickhole and presses down.
When Ryan is mean, his dick will bleed because she paper cut his dick. He cries because he now has paper cut dick.
by Mg12398 March 25, 2016
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When your so rich that you take some money out of the bank and you get a paper cut from all the money cause their is to much of it.
Also used by Lil Uzi VertIn p2.
Rich Person 1: How was the bank?
Rich person 2: man i had so much money i got paper cuts from money.
Rich person 1: Dude that happened to me to!
Rich person 2: No way nice man!
by KILLALLKARENS April 2, 2020
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A saying used to say that something is meant to be deep but epically failed. A paper cut is typically the most minor of the cuts--barely breaking the skin, so for something to be "deep like a paper cut" means that it is hardly deep at all.
Jessica: Look, I know that you like using men like tissues, but you are thirty-freaking-three now. I really think you ought to settle down. Find a man who can tame you.

Emily: Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run free with them.

Jessica: Wooow. Quoting Sex and The City. Deep like a paper cut.
by hahahehehahahohahahehehahaho December 30, 2011
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Fuck Nuts and Paper Cuts is an exclamation used by one who has just had something negative occur unto them.

It can be yelled or uttered under ones breath, both with roughly the same meaning of "I am not fond of what just happened to the point of incoherence and so I will utter a nonsensical phrase."

The phrase originated in the online gaming world and was uttered randomly upon the death of a player. The player and his friend then sat in silence pondering upon this new exclamation for not only did it rhyme, it also combined a variety of strange things all in one.

It can also be shortened to simply "Fuck Nuts"
*player 1 is shot by player 2*
Player 1: Fuck nuts and paper cuts! You got me!
by Piemanthe3rd June 15, 2009
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This is when you line up 5 women in a line.Make them bend over the fuck me position and call up 4 of your friends.Get 5 pieces of paper and proceed to kneel in front of the bitches.then proceed to give each woman a paper cut while you all fuck them from behind and make a race out of it.The first girl to hit the finish line with the most papercuts, wins a free gang rape.
"these five girls totally got the paper-cut rally fuck last night, that bitch almost bled to death".
by Big feces May 16, 2008
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