Taken from the spelling of the awesome rock band Motley Crue, a group of people in my school that I am classified in. It consists of people otherwise known as the Misfits. There are people who get in trouble a lot, people who are weird and do weird things, random people, the whorish people that no one else likes but the TMC does, and the people who are pretty go-with-the flow unless you piss them off (that would be me). Also includes any other types of people who are so small in numbers that they aren't counted as their own group. Does not include anyone with a mental disability that qualifies them for Special Ed.
Preppy Bitch: Yeah, like, Oh my gosh. We were just like standing around and talking about our boyfriends when The Motley Crue showed up and just started talking about random stupid things. When we said something they got all mad (Haha, that would be me right there) and they told us that if we didn't shut up they would slit our throats with our own fake nails. Yeah, like whatever!
by GIR needs rehab August 27, 2008
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Other than nickleback and bon jovi Motley crue is possibly the worst band ever. They almost destroyed the genre of heavy metal with their poser hair and horrible music. They employ some sort of mind control device to make people like them despite their awful music.
Me and my girlfriend went to a Motley Crue concert and almost died
by Dr. Jinkle March 28, 2010
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badass amazing just one of the best someone yourj ealous of
you wish you could be montley crue
by fl712bby May 20, 2010
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Hot and should give jackson a big kiss
Thomas crue is soooooo hot
by FireSerpent8663 February 2, 2022
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lame-ass 80's hair metal band, guitar and drums are decent, but the bass is lame, boring lyrics all about the same damn thing. (sex,drugs,tattoos,porn etc) Often admired by cookie cutter scene girls who think that motley crue is "teh best old skool band eva" just because prominent scene band Halifax did their own version of motley crue's "kickstart my heart" into "our revolution" or some anarchist crap like that.
Is there really one needed? Motley crue blows coconuts.
by Marc. O January 1, 2008
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Vince Neil drove fast in his car hit and killed another rock star.

Tommy Lee got the hep C
so does his ex-wife Pamela Lee
they made a porn viddy
it showed Tommy boy's pee pee

Mick Mars looks like the devil's scrotum.

Nikki Sixx looks like a bitch.
Motley Crue once shot up whiskey cause they couldn't get a fix.
by THE END March 11, 2005
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a bunch of hair band homos that wore makeup, had no real insight in their songs, and thought they were really bad ass cause everyone said they were...
"motley crue cant even touch real 80's bands like priest, maiden, and metallica. i wish they'd shut up and retire already!"
by prot April 4, 2006
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