A word used to describe the amount of coop a person or group has.
Person 1: Wow, those people have a lot of coopness.
Person 2: Yeah, I could never be as coop as them.
by Enaxie April 2, 2021
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Noun: A cool place to chill and be cut off from the outside world
Yo, lets get all our work done and get a solid coop in this weekend.
by BrimFy February 7, 2017
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(v) To hold a joint for a long period of time without passing it

Also: Someone who coops the j
by CheshireCat1240 December 25, 2020
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Committing a party foul, like spilling beer on a new couch or burring a hole with a cigarette in same. To coop (Verb). Or that dude is a real coop (Noun).
Bill cooped. Dude, don’t be such a coop! Party foul, Dave pulled a coop in the bathroom! Coopage...
by Bob F Dowd July 17, 2008
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When someone has cooties and herpes.
Ted has coopes. They can be spread by touching him.
by Sarah May 23, 2004
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Another name for the cool kids. They run the school. They own the streets. They are the coops of east coney. They enjoy weight lifting and be the cocky sons of bitches.
Man yeah i know jc and jordan are coops!
by Frank Folena January 31, 2007
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