What people become after they listen to the stronk glorious soviet anthem
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина—сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!

Congratulation, you're a commie now
by Сhester_The_Мolester September 13, 2018
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A communist
In reality a communist is a person who believes in other humans. Unlike capitalism that promotes competition and from there stepping on others.

A person who favors a classless society( the opposite of very rich and the rest working like slaves which is what we have today)
A communist believes in equality for all and justice unlike other ideologies that promote hate and are racist.
Look he is a commie, what a great person
by Mr. Super right March 16, 2019
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Holy shit are there a lot of them... That is fucking hilarious!

Hym "Boy oh boy, am I glad we won the Cold War! Otherwise there would be a bunch of commies infesting our institutions! Convincing an entire

generation of our population that communism is a good thing. That shit would have been wild! 30% of our population would identify as imaginary made up genders and blatantly ignore objective reality.All of the social media outlets would be ran and operated by these commies and they would almost exclusively control how we disseminate information.
It wouldn't be hard for them to usurp our government from there. All they'd have to do is find a way to guarantee an election victory by exploiting the fact that only half the population actually votes to determine who is going to be the president. Which would be easy to do because the people who don't vote wouldn't know that someone else cast a ballot in their name (assuming that you found a way to convince people that voting in person was dangerous and made so that people casting votes no longer had to verify their identity). And then they could just institute a bunch of Kafkaesque/Orwellian bureaucracies to maintain control even when their party was no longer in power. That way voting them out wouldn't even work because they could just try again in 4 years (because they never have to stop trying). It would be kind of like this gangstalking thing I'm always on about. Except in Macrocosm. They could just be incessant about it and keep on doing it until they get the desired outcome. And there wouldn't be any evidence because they just don't ever have to admit they're doing it and can keep doing it until all of the people who believe that it's happening are dead. Man... I'm glad that's not happening... Unless they're going to make me their king. In which case, I'm going to need a giant Xerxes throne made of gold and would be very glad that it's happening. Commie King Xerxes... Yeaaaahh...."
by Hym Iam May 18, 2022
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1. A communist.
2. A Commodore. Excellent Australian car made by Holden.
1. "No, I wont share my bread with you, commy."
2. "My V8 commy shits on any BMW (except for Z series)."
by Diego August 21, 2003
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Anybody who has ideals that are similar to that of the communists.
Beaver: Gee wally, that Eddie sure is a commie douche-bag.
Wally: Yeah, I guess you're right Beav.
by Wesley Durrance July 22, 2005
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A communist. Usually someone who follows the philosophy of Carl Marx, or Lenin (Albeit built on Marx). Lenin's book, 'Imperialism:The Highest Stage of Capitalism' is one of the most widely read communist texts. It attacks capitalism and explores ways in which social equity can occur.

Unfortunately Communism as a rule of government does not and probably never will work, as it gives the Government corrupting power. It is a pure contradiction that Russia, Cuba, China and North Korea call(ed) themselves communists, yet all were/are ruled by a dictator.

For this reason equally oppressive figures (to that of the dictators) attacked communism, such as Mcarthy. And henceforth such derogatory terms as 'sneaky commie rat' will forever be utilized by the ignorant public, such as the idiot who posted prior to me.
SCR: welfare and donations to charity are good.
CP: shut up you sneaky commie rat!
SCR: what did I say Capitalist Pig?
by oncenever June 10, 2005
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