A kinky bastard who will get triggered if you tell him that. He is very nice but is into a lot of freaky things. He is an extroverted but case who is liked by a lot of people because everyone thinks he's ridiculously attractive. He makes bad puns that become infectious, this is how he charms his way into poor humour. He seems normal and nerdy at first but no...
I met this guy and thought he was alright but he turned out to be a Cai!
by CallMeBubbles01234568987655432 January 30, 2018
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It's an acronym for Cry About It. Best used after someone has told a long story about how sad and miserable their life is.
Sad KID: oh my god! I'm so depressed right now, my girlfriend just broke up with me and my parents wont let me go to the Fall Out Boy concert. I hate my life!
Person: CAI
by IhaveAnAwesomeHat April 17, 2007
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A creature that originates from the north east but moves down south for warmer weather and a reduction in pollution. They can be identified by having rabbit like hair, it is a peaceful animal but can get very agressive when agitated by magpies or black cats. It is best to avoid in the wild as they may be hungry and attack.
Look at that little cai over there, isn't it cute!
by graham north February 22, 2005
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Contraction: 'Can I,'
Cai slur my speech too..?
by Clay R Smith June 11, 2007
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Caucassian Anal Inspector
What do you do for a living? Oh, I work for the CAI
by phong April 11, 2003
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A dumbass who cheats on every girl he meets and only uses girls for their looks. He is also really childish when it comes to relationship. Always wants to have sex and doesn't give his girl a break smh. Also has a very small d*ck. Break up with him if he treats you in a wrong way, or stay with him if he's alright and a sweet person because not all Cai's out there are rude or mean.
Cai has such a small pp.
by deadasssss September 13, 2020
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