Calum is a great person who makes his friends smile even though he can annoy some off his friends most of his friends start with A he is a loyal boyfriend and a great kisser he would follow his girlfriend to the end of the world Calum’s are helpful and brightens up peoples days especially the ones he loves
Person1: so u go out with Calum Person 2:yes. Person 1:lucky I wish I could find I guy like that
by Hejdndhdk March 12, 2019
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Entrepreneur, philanthropist, billionaire playboy and inhumane rights activist. Founder and CEO of companies such as Calum's plastic burning business and Torture Corp. Head of Nordea's baby rape project. Recently defunded because of baby right activists.
Friend: Who is a cool dude?
You: Calum is a cool dude and totally not fat.
by notcalum October 12, 2019
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A lovely guy and an amazing gentleman. Has time for anybody they know and is the kindest person you will ever meet. They are extremely good looking and any woman they find are lucky to have them. Calum's usually have massive penis's and love to satisfy there woman.
I met Calum last night he's such a gentleman and amazing in bed
by DepressoExpresso123456789 December 1, 2020
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Calum is really epic and cool. He is very tall and brags about it often. He is a generally talented guy and he is in top set for most things.
Calum is pog
by ClumClam February 19, 2021
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Absolute fucking moron. Thinks he's hard because he punched an S1 in the face with a padlock. Thinks he's is funny but his jokes are the source of all aids in the UK
Look at Calum
Ye, he's a massive fucking pleb
by CalumIsABender September 16, 2017
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shit at playing video game a shit. if a total dick to people. has a shit sense of humour. no one likes him. and no one loves him
person 1: he is being such a Calum

person 2: we need to kick him out of the party
by no one like Calum November 29, 2019
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