Calista is a brown-black haired girl and she has brown eyes she is one of the smartest ppl u know she is also funny and kind
punctuation does not exist anymore :)
by Apple_601 October 29, 2022
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A name for the gayest person ever. Also a hey mamas lesbian.
Yo bro Calista is so gay
by Sick kids hospital March 6, 2021
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too meat
Baby ain't got back..'n no front neither! She gone Calista on us!
by Zyde April 28, 2003
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Skinny ginger, who may act oblivious but truly isn't; a great person but kinda whoreish, usually drunk or high, very promiscuous, needs to eat and keep it down. she won't remember meeting you.
by Guesswhobissnitch September 12, 2010
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a skinny ass girl ; a girl who is anorexic-looking; a bean pole (as in Calista Flockhart)
If the wind blows too hard, that calista is gonna get knocked over flat on her ass.
by MeL April 28, 2003
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has more friend then you
has more tik tok followers then you

and is a greek war goddess
Calista is the one you want to get with
by supa mama November 8, 2019
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Calista likes to do things her own way. She dreams of life in the city. Doesn’t like doing homework and would rather stay home. Cali has many allergies. Calista is Emo but will never admit it.
Kid: Hey wanna go to Starbucks?
Calista: sorry can’t I’m allergic to the air
by Jonnyk42 November 22, 2021
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