A person or thing that is absolutely brutal to other people. Oftentimes, a brutalizer is not only hard to kill, but also has a habit of murdering others in horrifically gruesome ways.
The brutalizer picked up his chainsaw and cut the peasant in half.
The brutalizer punched the man's brains out with his bare fists.
by MalumLibrum958 September 26, 2021
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Something that is sick or dope, but not limited to positive meaning. In street jive though, it is a description word of something that you like or enjoy.
Statement: Damn son. Those are some brutal kicks you flossin'.

Response: Naa Mean. (an appropriat response)
by Barry February 5, 2004
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A highly violent action or assault towards a person place or thing. (Usually does not end well for subject of the brutalization)
"I swear, if she says that one more time, I will brutalize her."
by CrimsonDragoon12 April 4, 2009
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An Army sluggo who always gives 100% and then some at all brutal Army tasks, whatever they may be. Can be found at a bar with dog tags out over an Affliction shirt and a fresh pair of Altamas. Often seen at the airport wearing an ACU assualt pack demanding an upgrade to first class. Typically yells "zero" after every overhead arm clap to demonstrate elite fitness.
Dris and Shawn went for a Saturday night ruckmarch after getting Airborne wings tattooed on their biceps, so brutal!
by USMAPS March 30, 2011
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Pertaining to one thing being more brutal then another.
Fenix's face is brutaler then the quest Rec is Doing
by Fenix40 July 29, 2007
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An awesome happening. Something that could be called epic, but it is more than just plain epic.
Jim: "Did you just see that girl do cartwheels down those stairs?!"
Bob: "Yeah dude, I'm surprised she didn't hurt herself."
Jim: "Dude man, that was the most brutals thing I've seen in a while."
by Epicdudeman January 24, 2012
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Gnarly ass music, usually deathmetal or metal influenced hardcore. Also over used to describe shity grindcore bands that are obsessed with there image on myspace i.e. "br00t4l"

Brutal: Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, At The Gates, Death, Venom, Napalm Death, Nailbomb, Suffocation, Decapitation, SLAYER! etc.

Not Brutal: Waking The Cadaver, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Suicide Silence, Job For A Cowboy (tho they do own), The Jonbenet, etc.
by Eric Decap. August 25, 2006
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