Used by female transvestites to reduce the size and appearance of their breasts by constriction in order to appear more masculine. a simple binder is layers of women's dress hose, although there are commercially available binders.
"Yeah, right now I'm using some hose that as a binder until I get the one that i bought."
by Absintheluck December 2, 2005
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Used to describe someone or something that's worth keeping around. Refers to the popular "Trapper Keeper" binders from the 90s.
Girl: So how's it going witcha new man?
Girl's BFF: He gives me warm fuzzies. He's so binder!
by Dr. L1 May 14, 2008
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Crazy, Funny, Slow, Blonde, Cute, Loves to Photoshop and facebook, gets drunk off one kamikazi, enjoys updating her FB status every 2 minutes, loves chipotles, and super skinny less than 100lbs girl
She is so cute, just like binder.
by Your Sheen February 3, 2010
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A collection or collection of women; similar to a gaggle of geese, a murder of crows etc.
Check out that binder on the train!
by pseudonym brown2 October 18, 2012
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Medically unnecessary garment.

Having any sort of strong compression on your chest, especially with the motivation of hiding your breasts (which will cause you to modify your posture even further) is going to change how you hold your back, neck, and shoulders, limit the range of motion in your arms, and modify how you hold your hips and walk to compensate for the upper body changes.I know trans men like to claim they run the Ironman and wrestle bears every day in their perfectly functional binder which also coincidentally makes them totally flat and they pass very well in case you were wondering but the trans health study that studied the negative health outcomes of binding found specifically that commercial binders were not only no safer than other methods used but were more likely to cause problems. This is likely because commercial binders are both more likely to be worn for longer periods and also because they can cause the most chest compression out of the most common methods of binding. On page 72 the researchers write:

“Commercial binders were the binding method most consistently associated with negative health outcomes, possibly because such binders have the potential to provide more compression than other binding methods. This finding is inconsistent with community perceptions that commercial binders represent the safest option”The study is called “Health impact of chest binding among transgender adults: a community-engaged, cross-sectional study”
Person:Oh no I cracked a rib while binding with my binder!

Person with a brain:Well you shouldn’t have been wearing the godamn thing in the first place.

Binding can, and often does cause breast tissue to break up and become lumpy, It changes the elasticity of the skin. The lumpiness makes it difficult to detect breast cancer lumps.
by Iknowalot2 April 28, 2021
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Used as a nickname, it originates from the
missuse of the word for "bindings" (as in ski bindings) reflecting the frequent confusion between english words that sound alike by french canadians. Used as a nickname for frenchies. Also sounds a lot like Butters from South Park.
frenchie: Fuck I broke my binders on my snowboard and had to walk down the hill at -40ºC so I got full of chicken pox.

english canadian: Learn to speak english Binders.
by Binders March 19, 2005
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An alternative way describe being in a constipated state. A Binder Knot is a clogged colon resulting in severe constipation also known as sewer capped. Having a Binder Knot is usually a result of the lack of fiber combined with ingesting copious amounts of cheese, ice cream and other dairy products medically known to be "binding" and constipating.
Howard hosted a playoff party for all of his Green Bay Packer friends. As part of the game day spread, Howard prepared a smorgasbord including pounds and pounds of various Wisconsin cheeses. After Green Bay blew their chances to go to the Super Bowl, Howard went on an unprecedented cheese eating bender and consumed almost five pounds of ripe Stilton. The next morning he found himself seated on the shitter, grabbing the sides of the toilet and straining to release the biggest Binder Knot he had ever encountered.
by Eaton Holgoode January 26, 2015
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