college student, only 21 and not too bright, who probably just caved in to powerful-old-man pressure. because rich old men, especially politicians, will do *anything* to get a lube job! do a washington internship yourself, if you don't believe me. it takes some intelligence to get OUT of sleeping with them... and your average college student is neither morally opposed nor wise in the ways of the world.

by the time they're 35, most people forget about the stupid things they did at this age. i know i will, and i wish poor m.l. could too!
read samuel richardon's novel Pamela to see what Monica Lewinsky would have had to do to avoid this situation.
by i'm ju5t 5aying... December 12, 2005
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The most famous person that got famous because of sucking Bill Clinton's d.
Monica Lewinsky shouldn't be famous.
by CheesyMcCheeseMan December 23, 2020
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a skating move where one falls forward onto the ice landing perfectly on both knees, ejaculating loudly "Oh Fuck!" A single axis Monica Lewinsky means landing only on one knee with bonus points for wherever the other leg or ankle may end up.

A pair of Monica Lewinskis refers to a good sensible part of hard shelled knee pads worn while skating.
I performed a spectacular Monica Lewinski on the Ottawa Canal. Now I will go cry in a snowbank.
by StinkyPuss March 5, 2019
a fat intern that create controversial over the president so that she could become famous and endorse the fat club of America. synonym: chandra levy
politician loves to make their moves on unsuspecting young intern like Monoca Lewinsky and Chandra Levy
by rongxanhz January 29, 2004
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To overcome more shit than most people have to deal with their entire lives.
The world ended and I am the only person left alive. I will fight this and survive. I will Monica Lewinsky the shit out of this situation.
by Death by Antique Fan March 18, 2019
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Also known as MLS. An act committed, so devastating that it single-handedly manages to become the definition of your character, no matter the greatness you had achieved up to that point or will achieve in the future.

Famous Victims:
Bill Clinton
R. Kelly
Tiger Woods
After Jeff punched that sorority chick in the face, his Monica Lewinsky Syndrome diminished his friend count both in RL and on facebook. All this occurred despite his ability to acquire "mad" kegs.

Randy's MLS left him forever: "the guy whole stole all that money from the church collections." Devaluing all the great work he had done up to this point.
by AllAbouttheLaptops March 28, 2010
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