when another person attempts to force you to have a boner in a bad situation, like work, or a corporate presentation.
Jeff: My sadistic ex keeps boner terrorizing dudes in this online community they're in.

Jeffs Friend: personally Jeff I think boner terrorism is wrong, and I'd never endorse it. It is ethically questionable at worst, and attention seeking behavior at best, in my amateur medical opinion, and believe personally its starting to affect my community, but I don't care enough to ask for it to stop, but I'm just saying.

Jeff: bro wtf are you talking about?
by Arthur F Pimgibbons June 2, 2022
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Is when you give dick to a girl you dont care about but feel like she needs to get piped
I gave that give a mutual boner because she was lonely
by Mehfuck September 30, 2018
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When a government authority or business will go to the extreme and stop at nothing to enforce the coronavirus horseshit.
God dammit, it's a holiday weekend and the campgrounds are closed. Yeah even the forest service got corona boners!
by Dik Hansom September 16, 2020
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Purposefully giving yourself an election to delay your need to pee until you reach a bathroom.
Gregory gave himself a strategic boner on the road trip until he could reach the next rest stop.
by TheMisterMan January 4, 2022
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Having to fart while your having sex...
"Dude, I was with this chick last night and I farted."
"How was that for her?"
"Quite the boner bubble.."
"She liked it!"
by MitchMatch September 9, 2012
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a pickle that has an extraordinarily long tip
Mark was eating a pickle boner today.
by lunarWorldZ May 27, 2022
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A women that serves boners across the nation. She isn’t scared to face an army of boners.
by Booty Jew 2 February 23, 2021
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