Like a cream pie, but when the man is extremely dehydrated, producing a dusty, brown, granular ejaculate.
"Doreen and I had sex last night, and I was so dehydrated I ended up giving her a walnut pie"
by St Catherine's House of Smut November 26, 2020
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Dog pie is an American dish used around the holidays. It involves baking a dog and putting it into a baked good, aka, pies.
last thanksgiving was so boring bro

ikr we didn't even get dog pie
by FeetDestroyer March 8, 2022
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A fluffy pie can mean a pie with a fluffy texture. However, it has a different meaning. Since the release of the second opening of Death Note, "What's up, people?!" people have been making the misheard lyrics for the song. One of the lyrics for the song was "WHAT'S UP fuanzai ippai" followed by "Hanzai kienai towa ni" which sounds pretty similar to "What's a fluffy pie? Oh, it's a teletubby.". It's common for misheard lyrics videos for the banger "What's up, people?!" to have that. So if anyone asks you what a fluffy pie is, make sure to answer "a teletubby".
by GrzegorzBrzęczyszczykiewicz69 November 3, 2023
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The movement of a person or persons before half time at a football match to get a pie or other items of food
Tony Left his seat early at the Watford Vs Leicester match to get first in the queue to get a pie. Tony has done the pie movement
by JM31 December 1, 2018
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boo boo… oatmeal pie face… sheree would not be the one to mess with
by thee bone collector November 6, 2022
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the act in which telling your girlfriend that you are STD free and then proceed to fuck her grandma contracting HIV, then in the same night, have sex with your Girlfriend but seem super bored, and then cum in her pussy, stitch it shut, and tell her that you contracted HIV from her grandma. She then sends the cum through out her organs to shit out all the cum out her ass.
person 1: I fucked your grandma and gave you HIV
person 2: YOU LITTLE *Shits*
by Forever2297 November 19, 2022
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An old guys cream pie
Because his balls look like raisins
That guy gave my daughter a raisin cream pie
by Ethan sparkles March 7, 2023
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