September 23rd is national steal your ginger friend day
I'm gonna steal my ginger friend because it September 23rd national steal your ginger friend day
by Sully_is_king September 23, 2022
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October 13th Is National make out with your short friend day! You can make out with anyone that is labeled " short. "
Random tall guy: * kisses a short person*
Short person: " Why'd you do that? "

Random tall guy: " It's October 13th! National Make Out With Your Short Friend Day! "
by Rory The Slayer October 13, 2022
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A day where give your friend dalal a big hug to make her feel loved.. And less depressed.
Boy and girl : look it's ___

Boy and girl:we need to give her a hug it's national give your friend a hug day
Boy#2: OK then let's go
by Dalolypop October 21, 2019
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Harvest your friend friend's organs day. You could do this without their permission. This day is on 24th December, so you could give your friend's organs to their family if you want!
Person A: Let me have your organs.
Person B: Why?
Person A: Because it's harvest your friend's organs day.
Person B: Fair.
by Fortnite babby pass November 17, 2022
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On August 10th, is the day where you can fuck your friend without permission!
Joe: “Hey John! It’s August 10th!”

John: “What is that?”

Joe: “National Fuck Your Friend Day!”

John: “Oh no.”
by NicePerson200 August 11, 2022
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