Editor Woman 2.0 is basically another word for "unfunny".
"Look out, we got an Editor Woman 2.0 here."
by editor man 2.0 June 17, 2021
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An editor that edits on his phone, specifically an android phone. Most of them are weird editors from America that don't even have free healthcare. Has no hoes, and says that he edits jugg, kinda cringe, ngl.
"Did you see that jugg edit that i sent you?"

"From that dumb american android editor?"

"Yeah, I think his name is Kilo"

"Lmao what a broke american dumbass, edits on android".
by iwontcareorwill July 13, 2021
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A 12 year old using a program called Sony Vegas who brags about how much he makes from other 12 year old's hitting Call Of Duty Clips that usually record in 30fps
Obey Budders is a Sniper editor for the Obey Alliance
by Mlg EDitor June 7, 2017
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A slang meaning used in the editing comunity on any social networking platform you can post videos on. For ones edits to be creatively well done, smooth transitions or to have a song match the characteristics of a person/character. (Example a character that is more happy you would use a more happy song same with sad, badass, ect.)
The editing group hate hero has godly editors in it.
by The ‘UwU’ July 31, 2018
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One who edits written words without pay. An unpaid editor.
Guest editor is an honorary title issued to anyone willing to edit written copy without pay.
by Jay Mann, Phd September 22, 2006
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Web content editors organize, produce, edit and publish multiple forms of digital media online. Including but not limited to story/information, video and imagery.

Editors typically work as part of a Web professional team with content creator's, page designers, social media mangers and webmasters.

Web content editors additionally monitor site analytics for planning and strategy to tailor future publishing goals.
"I tried to get my content published on Pop Culture Modernization but the web content editor is a prick." Source: Pop-culturemod on snapchat.
by Pop Culture Modernization February 22, 2016
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