guy 1: man I really love halloween, whats your favorite holiday?"
guy 2: 9/11
guy 1: what the fuck is wrong with you
by fuckingbigballs3000 January 30, 2023
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On September 11th, 2001, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out against the United States. Four planes were hijacked by members of the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda, with two planes crashing into the World Trade Center towers in New York City, one into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and the fourth crashing in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to take control of the plane. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and caused significant damage to both the physical infrastructure and emotional fabric of the country.
Many Americans remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the tragic events of 9/11.
by 4uffin February 27, 2023
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I once heard a comic (Red Scott) ask a bartender for a 9/11.
The bartender looked quizzically at him for a second and asked, "Pardon Me?"
"Yeah, a 9/11" he answred. " It's A Manhatten and 2 Kamikazes"
I feel like destroying tonight, gimme a 9/11
by Sabathia sorin February 24, 2022
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A event that happened that caused a series of following things in the world, for example taught america not to fuck with random countries and randomly raise wars, as most of the planet agrees, and proved that it is a anti-Semitic, racist country due to the fact they accused the religion and not the small group that did it .
9/11 was a time where everyone learned something, and it was the downfall of the egotistical country that we all know.
(I don't support the event, I support what the taught)
by Pussydetroyer101 July 5, 2020
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