1 definition by le4fed

A conspiracy about the twin towers being knocked down by planes. In reality, the government used it to cover up the fact that there were aliens making contact with earth on that day. The aliens landed on american soil and were treated with respect from the US Government. The aliens and their inter-dimensional spacecraft were then transferred on a truck to a military base off the coast of San Diego where they're believed to be stored in an underground bunker. Many who claim to be on site during the arrival of the aliens claim that this was not the first time the government had made contact with this species. They also claimed that the US Military is working on inter-dimensional travel in the same bunker where the alien spacecraft is stored. Although there is no concrete evidence that this really happened, there have been thousands of reports confirming this theory.
"did you hear about 9/11"
"yeah its a load of shit"
by le4fed January 30, 2023
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