The word Chav is, in fact, an acronym for Council House Associated Vermin, this is reflected in their magpie like attraction to shiny things as well as discount fake sports wear. Chavs can also be identified by the vomit inducing stench of stale tobacco smoke and unwashed clothes
'Hey look a dirty chav'
by Heavy Metal Man December 29, 2009
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A Chav is a type of person, usually aged 10-29, known for their anti-social behavior and a rough lifestyle that incudes hanging around the street and starting conflicts with people who are not like them. The Chavs are todays menaces on Britain’s streets, roaming urban areas causing trouble and vandalizing things at random. Other names for chavs include: Chavette (a female chav), neds (used in Scotland), townies and ratboys.
Chavs wear hooded sweaters, tracksuit bottoms tucked into their socks and baseball caps – usually Burberry - at a 45 degree angle - sometimes with a hood over. Cheap jewelery is commonplace on most chavs or chavettes, ranging from fancy chains on the boys and massive ear rings on the female chavs.
Their musical taste mainly includes R&B, Hip-hop, dance and other similar genres. Chav targets include moshers, emos and other people who don't dress or act the way the typical chav does.
At most MacDonald’s outlets at least 7 or 8 chavs are knocking about, buzzing about the playground swing they tore off the other day, or humiliating the people who walk through the door or sit on the next table along. Chavs (or chavettes) also like to hang out a kids playgrounds, bus stops, and many other places where they stand the chance of abusing innocent people till the police come and sort them out. Even at the cinema there are chavs (not even watching the film) sitting there showing off their mobiles and throwing popcorn at a person 5 rows down.
Chavs are known to vandilise bus stops, throw stones at windows and mugging old ladies trying to get home after a long walk around town. Other chav activities include grafitti-ing public toilets and road signs, getting themselves drunk on a friday night in the streets and some go as far as stealing cars and driving down street at 100 mph.
They are at large in almost every town and city in the UK. If you ever come across a chav, approach with caution and prepare for a load of "what na fuck ya looking at ya silly twat!" and "av ya got any spare change for ma bus fare?"
chav: "what sort a fuckin clothes are they?"
mosher: "shut up you chavscum, and obey your ASBO"
chav: "ee ya cheaky twat, i'll smack ya, ya fuckin dickhead"
mosher: *walks up to chav*
chav: *runs up to his 15 year old pregnant girlfriend (chavette)* "give us a hand, that wanker is startin on me innit!"
chavette: "get ere ya dickhead, nobody disses ma baby boy!"
mosher: *runs away quickly*
chavette: *starts to run after him but shes so pissed she hasnt got the pace to keep up with him*
by Toughers August 4, 2006
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the british version of wiggers, or white trash. pretty much the gum on the bottom of your shoe. similar to knackers. they have nothing better to do with their lives than stand outside a McDonalds (which they think is nicer than a 5 star hotel) with a whole jewelry store worth of rings, earings, and necklaces and try to intimidate little kids (cause kids are the only ones they have the balls to stand up to) and wont fight anyone unless they have 4 times as many people as you do.
oh my god honey!!! did you see that?!?! that little kid just kicked that chavs ass!!!! hahahahahahahaha what a loser!!!!
by lepi August 11, 2007
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have no life, stand on the streets thinking they're "bad", have "babies" at 13+, think that smoking and drinking makes them "rebels", live off benefits, can't speak english, one won't go around alone in case someone picks on it, won't try and do anything unless theres about a million others with it, are not human, wear fake versions of brand label clothes, copy eachother, listen to fake music, should be lined up against a wall and shot...the list could go on for hours
atypical chavs vocab...
"arr no dik"
"ya fukin startin?"
"init safe blud"
by Bullseye92 June 6, 2009
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The origins of the word are the mid-19th century Romany word chavi, meaning "delinquent male youth". It is sometimes defined as "male youth" but that is in fact inaccurate as the word is intend to carry a negative meaning much as calling a young child a "brat" in English.

The first known recorded history of the words usage comes from a story written in London citing trouble with young people distrubing graves in the London area simply as a means of disrepect. The story was based on an issue brought to light by the Church of England.

History: A local London church (who had the position of owning the a graveyard at that time)had informed the Church of England calling upon its huge power and influence to resolve an issue of local youths disrupting its graveyard. When the church questioned locals it was revealed by local immigrants that the problems came from young Romany which they called "chavi". The immigrants claimed the incidents had no evil motives are were just an example of badly behaved youths playing a prank.

The word enjoyed a period of widespread use around the time but then disappeared from mainstream until around 1988 when a major new service ran a story citing a similiar incident. The source of the story is unknown but it is known to have used the word "Chavi" because a court case followed due to the enthic orgin of the word and the way it was used in the story. The story was again about an issue in London and the paper first ran there.

There have been many claims that the word came from Scotland or the Northern areas of England but these claims are in fact false and show a lack of knowledge of the etymology of the word. Another untrue claim of the word is the spelling should be "charv" with the explanation being that the word comes from "charver". In fact this is incorrect as the word "charver" roughly translates to a "prositute or someone who sacrifices their bodies to gain wealth" and the words popularity is directly related to a sub-culture in Britain where as the members generally do not work (ruling out charver completely) and are social deviates.

Probably the most accurate definition of a Chav would be: members of the lower class; uneducated and ignorant people with little regard of the legal system or without respect for the society inwhich they live.
Everywhere you look Britian is full of chav scum.
by claymuir September 28, 2005
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chavs are the inferior race of people that plagues all towns with a McDonalds in. The boys wear tracksuits (trousers usually baggy) hoddies with the hoods up if they dont have a chat on! Most chavs wear hats so low down you cannot see their face or balancing on their head that usually consists of no brain! They hang about the streets in gangs due to the fact that they are all little faggots who cannot fight,also gettin pissed and causing trouble for the people who are minding their own business. Chavette's are the loud mouth slags walking about shopping centres or towns smoking, swearing and starting on any other girl that walks past them. Normaly pregnant at the age of 14. Most chavette's are dressed in fake burberry or valour tracksuits, gold chains with letters, dolls or a clown about 7 loop earings in each ear, 2 or 3 rings on each finger! Hair stuck to their head and pulled back to much they cannot move their eyebrows!
It is impossable to understand chavs due to the strange decline in their speech skills or the evolution of chav talk!
chav1 "im bored wot can we do?"
chav2 "lets try to fing some grungers and start beef with them"
chav1 "ye dirty grungers!"
2 chavs outside a shop, a person with black top n trousers walks past
chav1 "errrr look dirty goth"
chav2 "errrr y dnt raw meat!"
chav1 "hahaha good 1!"
chav1 "ite blud"
chav2 "ite"
chav3 "sup manz"
chav1 "nutin much blud jus smokin"
chav3 "arrrr saves me!"
chav2 "twos me brudda!"
chav1 "k"
chav3 "safe"
chav2 "bare safe"
chav1 "wot we doin 2nite manz?"
chav3 "lets get pissed in the street!"
chav2 "arrrrr blud idea!"
by E.Matt May 19, 2005
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Council Housed Anti-sociol Vermin.
Dirty Chav.

Chav it up yo, brap!
by 13-16-20 May 19, 2009
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