On February 8 it is the duty of all of a certain persons mutuals to call them out on their homophobia
"I hate gay pll,
Post that on your story bruh 💀" -Quirky person
"Send me your address, it's National Quirky-ism day" - Gilbert (national treasure)
by Alex The Duck February 8, 2022
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1. Almost done-ism is when you realize you've binge-watched most of a new (or new to you) show you enjoy and voluntarily start decreasing the number of episodes you're watching in order to prolong the story (and remaining episodes) for as long as possible.
2. Almost done-ism is the opposite of binge watching.
At the beginning of the pandemic, I wanted to watch "Better Call Saul" since I hadn't yet seen it. After viewing four seasons in five days, almost done-ism kicked in and I forced myself from that point on to only watch one episode every four or five days.
by John R? October 5, 2020
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Reckoning-ism is a turm now used by 187 empire pretty much meaning the same as reckoning just with by all necessary means / collateral damage one who does not give a fuck except for what the revenge-ism is about with no mercy at all
Well it's time it's not just revenge-ism his seeking it's more reckoning-ism I would want revenge-ism to if it was done to me
by k187c November 2, 2023
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A person continuslee showing there crouch and ass crack.
"That stripper has Snooki-ism!"

"Run Away!"
by TacoInYourXbox...Bitch! October 1, 2011
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An action or phrase that contains language that causes offence and humour at the same time, increasing the mortality rate of those in the local area. Also a type of STD found on the head of penises of Jews that have been chopped off by a Neo-Nazi
"How do you pick up a jewish girl, with a dustpan and brush"
Wow man, thats such a Menghini-ism you cant say that!
by LondonBanta October 5, 2019
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"Social-fullofshit-ism" is when your brain is so full of propaganda and lies that there is no room for the truth or reason.
I am sick and tired of watching the network news, they all spout the same old social-fullofshit-ism.
by 2B+ October 20, 2019
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1)To make an accidental innuendo without realising it in general conversation.
2)To fall over in a hilarious manner.
1)Katie: Then we should shoot all the blondes!

Louise: Can I keep them all afterwards? I love blondes.

Louise: I didn't mean it like that it was a total Lu-ism

2)Penny: Did you see Janie just fall of that seat over there, it was hilarious. Best lu-ism from her YET!
by g0ldengirl June 13, 2009
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