I went down on this hooker last night and I've never been in a worse situation snorkel toughing in my life I threw up in my mouth four times!
by Jytterbug May 2, 2021
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See snorkeling, except this is performed from the backside of the said male resembling how an Australian toilet flushes in reverse.. The male tucks both his balls and shaft underneath and essentially covering his taint so that they appear right beside the butt hole. The other participant places the balls over their eyelids and begins to suck on the dick while their nose rests in the ass of the male resembling a snorkel.
Boyfriend: Hey babe, want to give me a blow job?

Girlfriend: Sure. It's kind of bright in here, maybe I will just go snorkeling instead?

Boyfriend: You have always told me you have wanted to go to Australia, (as he turns around) now you can go snorkeling in Australia!
by Uncle Gary's Potato Farm June 22, 2017
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When a man uses a penis pump too often and blows a vein in ones penis. Making a blueish purple bruise.
Guys! I heard Jimmy has a blue snorkel! He uses his pump way too much!
by SunShine39 January 24, 2019
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When you go down on a girl with a tie clip on your nose and accidentally rip out parts of her uterus...
I gave the Mrs a Scottish snorkel dive last night and had to pick the remnants of her uterian wall off my tie clip afterwards
by Electric jacko October 5, 2019
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Stuffing raisins into your partner’s ass hole and sucking them out aggressively until you start choking; your partner jerks you off til you cum and then resuscitates you
Damn I almost died during that sunmaid snorkel but the intensity of the nut I busted was worth it
by WtxClda July 6, 2020
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Species of obsequious and sycophantic acolyte with no sense of self-worth and an outstanding desire to please the powerful.
As a butt snorkeler he had his head so far up his leader's arse that he needed a snorkel to breathe
by Argus Tuft 2 August 14, 2022
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a. A penis

b. a term used emphasizing your desire to have a woman suck your dick.
Dude, check that woman out in the pool. She needs to be on the snorkel simulator.
by Billwhack July 13, 2012
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