the act of shooting at a noob that is "sniping" by that means camping-
ex. that one player, xboxman28, is camping again courtesy shot his way
ex2.i sent that camper a curtosey shot and now he feels like hot shit next time i wont try to miss
by uncle_ben August 15, 2011
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When a movie or TV show with frequent nudity will throw in a dick scene every once in awhile to appease the female viewers.
BF: Eww, you didn't tell me there was going to be a naked dude in this movie!
GF: Ok seriously, we've seen like 50 boobs already. About time they threw in some courtesy dick.
by snail_trail March 19, 2018
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Friend requests you accept on facebook or Linkedin only because you happen to work att same place or go the same school. They're actually quite cringe, but you feel too awkward to decline.
Woohaaa, you actually friend with Dick-John?
OMG no, he's just a courtesy friend.
by Mr. Cocksson February 5, 2020
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The greatest Garth Brookes song ever
Person 1: Have you heard of the song courtesy of the red white and blue

Person 2: No
Person 1: You should listen to it it’s the best Garth Brookes song
by Fuckedup666 March 4, 2022
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A second mandatory stroke on the butt after the first
Never one without two, give her a good courtesy slap! - everyone
by Marx Twain November 22, 2015
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Before sexual intercourse, you and the other party have brief wash of your private parts to make the experience more hygienic and enjoyable.
"babe, give me a blow job please?"

"ok honey.. Ew your dick smells.. Go have a courtesy clean first"
by samanfuu September 14, 2013
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Refers to any pause or temporary postponement of a minor action (speaking, standing up or shifting your position while seated or in bed, switching on/off a light or music device, performing a "noisy" task like moving furniture or operating a motorized household device, etc.) that a thoughtful considerate individual performs (often with a moderate taxing of his own patience/bodily comfort) so as to avoid/minimize the startling/distressing impact of said action on one or more other nearby humans, such as a slumbering partner who is super-exhausted and/or is in a lot of pain or other acute bodily discomfort that he feels whenever he's awake, and thus the only time he has relief is when he's actually asleep.
Cool dude #1: Geez, buddy --- why da awkward limp and droopy shoulders?!?!???
Cool dude #2: (groaning in pain as he hobbles over to sit beside his friend to watch the ball game with him): Oh, just da classic "courtesy delay" woes, pal... I was sitting cross-legged on the grass with my girlfriend, and she had fallen asleep with her head in my lap... I knew she'd been up since 3 a.m. to help her mom care for her colicky baby brother, and so naturally, Mr. Soft-Hearted here couldn't bear to wake her up by changing position, and so I just hadda sit motionless on the cold hard ground with my muscles going numb and cramping up for half an hour till she finally came awake to turn over herself.
by QuacksO August 23, 2017
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