Vine was an app that was invited between 2013 and died in 2015. Having over 200 users on the app. Obviously people where upset that the app shut down, I mean who wouldn’t be? It’s such a good app anyways. Popular creators that were involved in this app were Lele Pons, Jake Paul/ Logan Paul, etc. aka every bad creator ever to exist. Vine also had a timer. So no video could go past the 6 second time line. Every video that people tried to post over 6 seconds. The people who made the video wouldn’t be able to post it. But if it’s from a camera roll then they would be allowed to
I can’t believe vine died!”
by yourbasicwhitechick June 6, 2019
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1. a social media app, just like TikTok but with shorter videos and better content with funnier jokes
by pipoxy November 28, 2022
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Usually found in compilations called things such as "Vines that cured my depression" because Vine is dead...Although we all loved vine before the Paul brothers came along.
Danny: I was up watching some of my old vine videos.
James: I was watching the best vines.
Danny: Were any of the Paul brother's vines in it?
Danny: Then it's one of the worst compilations, not best.
by JustAJokeKid January 22, 2019
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Me: " yo check out this vine"
My friend:
Me: *doesn't have friends
by Ur_mom_ June 10, 2019
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Name of a deceased social media, now used to describe popular short video clips that are quotable.
(Refering to a popular quotable tiktok) This vine is one of my favorites!
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The holy place where multiple funny things were made, before it died out and was replaced with tik tok. Also known as the thing that brought magical people like Thomas Sanders and Daz Black to the internet.
Person 1 : What's Vine?

Person 2 : How dare you not know what it is! It is a magical place for Icons you monster!

Person 1 : ....Oh.
by Justapansexualthing August 7, 2021
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