A person who thinks too highly of themselves and are just asking to be smashed into realising what a retard they actually are.
Day of a douchebag: finishes playing on the computer at 5am to gel up hair until 7am.

Waits for mum to finish making breakfast, eats, goes to train stop.

Acts emo on train and acts important by rolling eyes at anyone who tried to talk to him.

At school:Gets beaten up infront of everyone.

After school: Still acts as if he is on top of everyone else.
by pissedoff! March 30, 2009
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those little bags you find in the bathroom of every Italian hotel next to things that look like a sink except it's for your butt.
Matt: hey what are those little plastic bags next the toilet-sink thingy and the bar of soap that says intimate cleanser on it

Ryan: Oh, those are douchebags

Matt: Awesome

by Mister Pinecone April 13, 2009
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A person in a cubicle environment surrounded by overwork staffers, who daily feels the need to talk loudly on the phone to his family and friends, and also to schedule such things as home repair, phone service, vacations and rental cars. Also known to talk loudly with food in their mouth, and scrape to death the bottom of a cup of yogurt.
"Tim is such a douchebag, do we really need to hear about his parenting skills?"
by DisgruntledStaffer June 10, 2005
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A guy who is an egotistical arrogant fucktard who mooches off his girlfriends and friends. Always takes advantage of everyone he's around. Believes that he's the smartest of his circle and anyone he meets. Scrony fuck with a scrony dick that couldn't please a real woman, even if his life depended on it.
William Sullivan, the douchebag of 118 Petow Loop Exten
by hahakija February 26, 2013
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A person with multiple DWI'S and who hates his step children
A persons step father is a douchebag
by bob joe sir January 13, 2008
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1.) One who outwardly insists that they are the epitome of the human race by mirroring those to whom they are inferior.

2.) One who operates a vehicle of no reasonably admirable purpose in design.

3.) One who attempts to gain self-respect by dominating motorists on public roadways with transparent, predictable, and offensive driving habits.

4.) One who likely rewards their driving performance with repeated and violent sexual penetration of their vehicle in either the gas tank filler opening or exhaust pipe. (see undeniable douchebag)
Hey, check out that douchebag in the parking lot slamming his car up the tail pipe. He must have been driving it really hard earlier!
by Kemion July 31, 2011
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