to "fist pound" and say "possum" is to say nice, or agreed
dude i fucked a MILF last night
by bob froguana March 27, 2010
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Slang for when someone tell you something and you don’t really care but don’t have the heart to tell them.
“I just got an A on my history test!”
“That’s possum man!”
by bioiscool January 13, 2020
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A small beautiful creature you taunt your friends with. It gives them nightmares about it while you laugh. We <3 Possums.
by Possum_Protector October 14, 2019
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When you and your lover are sleeping and one starts to get frisky, turning the other one on, only to roll over and go back to sleep! It's called the possum
A: I was sleeping last night and Roman started teasing me
I: sounds like fun
A: it was until he pulled the possum
I: ouch I can't believe he pulled the possum
by Sweetsgirl January 10, 2017
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"The act of rolling on your back, throwing your arms out like a zombie after a long 15 seconds of intercourse."
by A.H.203 July 19, 2013
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1) Refers to a person who enjoys gaining weight in order to feel/be more attractive.

2) Alternatively used for some one who "falls dead" in bed and cannot continue to be entertaining sexually.
1) That guy is such a possum, he can't stop eating everything in sight.

2) He's a possum, he just lays there in bed and doesn't do any of the work.
by Remyarias June 11, 2007
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