A beard specifically grown in preparation for getting difficult/large-scale software features live.
I've been growing this release beard in preparation for our big 1.1 release next week. I'll shave it afterward.
by E money D December 21, 2017
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When someone is taking a massive shit that's taking so long they decide they have enough time to bust one out WHILE STILL SHITTING
damn james has been in the bathroom for a while. must be having a little dual release squatted jerk
by GatorYourAde January 30, 2023
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To 'release the hobbit' is to sexually climax
I'm going out with Meghan tonight, after dinner she's gonna come over and help me release the hobbit
by ReindeerGames July 20, 2010
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The act of unbuttoning your pants comfortably when you are full after eating a large meal.
Damn bruh that Chipotle was good, time to release the barrel
by RickyDickyFlicky September 14, 2022
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Equity release—or "give us your house"—is a means of borrowing some of the value of your home without having to sell it, and usually without having to make any repayments so that the interest compounds rapidly. Sometimes known as a lifetime mortgage. The more reputable lenders (for a given value of 'reputable') guarantee that the total debt will never exceed the value of the property, which is big of them; the less reputable will take your estate for as much as they can after you fall off your perch.
I borrowed 65K through equity release on my house seven years ago, and it's already doubled. At this rate there will be nothing left for my kids.
by Beermat November 8, 2017
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A term for when someone who is playing 2k perfectly times their shot to where the shot meter turns green and there is an 100% chance the ball goes in.
That was a perfect release from the 3 point line!
by pabs August 5, 2019
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The Release of flatulence from tightly sealed clothing. Ex. Athletic Pants, Wet Suits, Ski Pants, etc. after being contained for an extended period of time.
Guy 1: Dude I was ripping them left and right during our game today.

Guy 2: Really?

Guy 1: Yea, when I took off my pants to get in the shower, I got hit so hard by a blast of extended release, my eyebrows burned off.

Guy 2: Damn, Nice.

by B-rad Jenkins March 9, 2009
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