A slightly derogatory term describing an employee of a company who stays in the same position for many, many years. This term is usually used in industries such as software engineering where the dynamics of the profession are always changing and it is not unusual for other people in the same field to change jobs every few years. This term was often used in the Silicon Valley during the dot-com bubble (late 1990s).
The opposite of a job hopper is a tree hugger.
by Jon Davis January 1, 2009
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one who is being a kiss up to a female companion
when someone is kissing butt excessively
"Hey you look really nice today Jaz. Seriously very pretty!"
"Girl stop! You (a) clit hugger/huggin."
by mz.gson November 11, 2009
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is when a male or female has a camel toe and the other partner takes a small NASCAR figurine and jam it in between the camel toe until it stays there without being held and you hug the person until it falls out
dude before me and this girl did it we tried and Indianapolis Camel Hugger to get the mood set right.

honey let me tell you he did a great Indianapolis Camel Hugger before we did it.
by Logan1143 June 27, 2009
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You're fucking a bitch- I mean having sex with a nice female... or male (whatever floats your boat) doggy style outside while your partner is hugging onto a tree for their dear life because you're a G, while at the same time you are leaning forward to lay on your partners back hugging underneath the breast tightly at a fast speed. You can also add on partners if you wanna take it to the next level. Make sure you finish off on your partners face(s) and the tree because chances are if your partner let you do this they're probably gonna like that freaky shit.
Moe: Hey Nate what were you doing in the forest last night with Beth?
Nate: Oh man, you would not believe it! Beth actually wanted to do The Hardcore Tree Hugger! I think I was going so hard that she was sliding all over the tree and shit? I don't know man, but all I know is she said she saw a Big Foot if you know what I mean!!
Moe: Damn Nate! So that's why she got splinters all over her face!
by HardcoreTreeHugger September 14, 2013
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Woah! look at sally in those short shorts! can you say disgusting?
those vagina huggers? yeah those are pretty gross!!
by PoptartInhaler January 21, 2010
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