"Yo Sam, can I get a rip of your dabbers?"
"Nah bro, I'm saving this eighth."
"You're a fucking stinge."
by Hoagster35 June 24, 2018
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When someone really pisses you off and it tastes like peanut butter and pickles in your mouth
It really stinges me when you talk
by Jjjkkklmop December 4, 2019
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James, James is a stinge
"James stop dobbing on us you stinge"
by MarisT123 July 5, 2019
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when you make big bupf sound with your mouth agahagagagagaha
i just stinged agahagahaga
by grug frim tha cruds November 20, 2020
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A pain/sting on ur anus around the bowel area(place that looks like a ring) after eating and/or taking a shit
Ohhh mate I've got a right chelering sting after that Chinese from last night
by Mamlikeman February 1, 2017
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A sting boy is the lesbian version of a fuck boy. There's plenty of fish in the sea she'll sting you like Steve Irwin. You'll still shamelessly text them back though cause the straps so good.
"I'm just gonna keep letting myself get played by these sting boys"
by fairygaymother April 17, 2018
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The very end of a joint, which tends to “sting” your lungs upon inhalation due to the burning of the built up tar. Also called a “roach”.
Aw fuck, now our joint has turned into a stinging jimmy.
by Ann Tifa November 2, 2021
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