Something that teenagers eat for fun and post it on their Instagrams. They don't really eat it. They just bite them and spit them out
Tide Pods are gr8
by Trains Lol March 19, 2018
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Some DELICIOUS food made by gordon ramsay and eaten all over the world
Man, I really want some Tide pods
by UndeadMorty February 7, 2018
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A beautiful snack delivered by the Tide Gods. You can eat them, stick em up yo nanny's ass, or simply wash your clothes, it doesn't matter! :D You can find them in the cleaning section of your local grocery store, though, you might get chased down by one of the employees if you're one of those suspicious 17-year-old edgelords!
Guy 1: "Hey dude, wanna eat somethin'? Ma just bought groceries."
Guy 2: "Sure dude.
by Fuck Life, Fuck You February 17, 2018
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Something you don't wanna eat...
P1: Hey, u wanna get a snack?
P2: yea like what?
P1: Tide pods!
P2: actually, I think I'll pass...
by Idk Wat I done February 4, 2018
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Nutritious food found in supermarkets.
Marcus: Damn those are some good ass Tide Pods.
by OmaeWaMouShindeiruNoniSenpai January 19, 2018
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Is a snack that anyone with the name Brookelynn is aloud to eat tide pods and bleach whenever they please and Michael can't tell them no say in that your
Tide pod is yummy
by Anonymous 30495959 March 10, 2020
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tide pods means for natural selection. Example brian is a dumbass so he ate a tide pod causing natural selection to kill him making the world a better place.
Michel ate some tidepods so he died. Tide pods delicious and non nutricious
by Boxedisopod February 1, 2018
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