He sucks at brawlhalla and sucks at iMessage basketball 😬😂
by igbaddiefrom613 October 15, 2019
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This is Garrett from MrBeast. All Garrett’s will find a strong attachment to the words “poo poo pee pee”. Or the reverse “pee pee poo poo”. Trust me it’s in our programming
“Garrett why did you write pee pee poo poo on my grandma’s birth certificate!!?”
by TheOfficialGarrett November 23, 2021
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A really nice guy who has a "Don't Care" personality but has very immature humor. He is very socially awkward.
Me: Hey Garrett, whats up

Garrett: Fart

Me: Ok...
by ukoT December 22, 2021
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Garretts are a beacon of hope an delight for humanity, sent from heaven to make our world a better place.
These Garretts like to listen to music, play music and sing. They live on the waves of sound.

Garretts usually have warm smiles and bright eyes where ever they goes. The world treats him as if he's a godsend, (which he might be)
A Garrett's smile can literally brighten a room.
Garrett tend to have many friends surrounding him. He makes everyone feel good about themselves so he attracts alot of people to him.

A Garrett is usually a real gentleman and lady swooper even tho he might not realise it himself. Marking them as "just friends".

Garretts makes amazing boyfriends and bffs. They are very loyal and will stick by you no matter what comes. He will make you feel special and cared for as long as you give them the same attention they need.

If you ever found yourself a good Garrett keep him close, you might never see one of these amazing people again
Person1: Have you seen Garrett around here?
Person2: Yeah Garrett is over there singing in karoeke.
by Birbados November 22, 2021
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huge cock, extremely hot, soft brown hair, pretty blue eyes, he drives all the ladies crazy in the sexy time. he’s usually talking to his hoes on the phone
by garrett andrew January 27, 2022
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Probably a player and knows how to steal hearts. Broken but sweet as can be when he wants to be. A true one of a kind person. He’s well spoken and very much in charge. Would give you the shirt off his back if you asked. He is the guy who chases after what he wants.
He’s such a Garrett
by Dat.girl97 May 5, 2022
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A name nobody fucking spells right.
"Hey Garret."

"Hey" - a very disappointed Garrett
by Garetholomew Meowster January 11, 2023
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