pee pee man that likes other men (femboys particularly)
by thelord205 January 26, 2022
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Alec is the name of a wonderful person, someone who enjoys making his friends happy and will go to any lengths to see them smile. He's a kind and thoughtful individual who often is a lil gay but it's okay because it's just homie things you know? Anyone would be lucky to know an Alec, if you have one in your life you better cherish him, as that sort of a friendship is one of a kind.
"Ha. Alec. Gay" - me
by gayperson420 July 9, 2021
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Alec is an annoying person the type who screams and bites u. he is often not very attractive with no what so ever check bones. but also very energetic and seeks attention.
Dave- u heard of that Alec guy heard he coulden't find the hole. Joe- yeah thats some thing alec would do
by sheepEater55 March 19, 2020
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A handsome, photogenic, lovely and funny boy who is extremely loved by many girls by his appearance or even many of his bloody did h’s physically immensely fitting boy with a lot of jumbled things to show

He is mostly known in his un irresistible seduction puristic which many girls can’t resist
Alec is an irresistible person
by Rojon ayo November 19, 2019
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Also known as Alec Mcgarry. Most beautiful human alive. An Alec Mcgarry will make you swoon with his mesmerising voice and his sparkling espresso tinted globes. His dimpled skin draws you in and an Alec Mcgarry hug is the best you will ever get. An Alec Mcgarry booty is also amazing.
Omg is that Alec Mcgarry? They should date a Charlotte!
by alecs girl April 22, 2020
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An ugly ass bitch who thinks he's good at everything, He has no life and gets depressed after break-ups because the girl never liked him and plays osu and Minecraft all day.
by toocleanwith it September 26, 2019
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Alec is a sack of shit. Yes, yes he is.
by FirstWulf June 8, 2022
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