A reaction mechanism that removes the hydroxide group on pseudoephedrine yielding crystal meth. The reaction involves red phosphorus(P), hydroiodic acid(HI), and pseudoephedrine.

Was the method used in (at least the first couple seasons) of breaking bad, and is both safer than, and relatively clean compared to the shake-and-bake technique.
Sketchy nerd : “the HI/P is the one we should prioritize...”

Snitch: “holy shit, that nerd is sketchy. I’d better snitch”
by the official coprapheliac April 28, 2019
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It's a paradox stating that women excessively read into things even if there is nothing to read into. For example one can say hi and simply mean just that, hi but a woman will analyse that hi
Papi Gerald didn't mean it like that, it's a hi hi paradox
by Papi Gerald December 10, 2016
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When s girl likes a boy she digs his swagger but if she decides to break up with him she might say "I hopped off of his swagg" The same goes for a crush if she decides to get over him she is hopping off of his swagg.
Dana: " I'm just over him ima hop off of his swagg"

Kelly: "It's about time, that relationship is going nowhere"
by RISsKy December 5, 2009
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A midwestern expression commonly employed by particularly sexually aggressive, domineering women who seek to engage in copulation with a male counterpart.

See also: Pound a Jimmy, pound Jimmy, Pound his jimmies, no Jimmy left unpounded.
See that guy over there with the gold glasses? You better bet i'm gonna pound his Jimmies tonight.
by Gigi VT May 3, 2019
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when a bug jumps on you and you spasm. but u are doing this action to someone else
i will cockroach beetle his ass next time
by alorette79 July 16, 2022
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