make poop is one of the funniest songs to ever exist and it was used as the background music in corys video:

how to make poop.

so everyone knows how to make poop

and the funniest thing about this song is that it makes:


no just kidding it dosent pee it just make

poop in da traffic
SMP Films - MAKE POOP Is my Favorite Song!
by xX 44100 Xx August 9, 2021
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Slang for masturbation. Mostly used by pre-college lesbians.
Question: Do you mind if I make taffy? Response: No, just hurry I have my pre-calc class in the morning.
by Charles Texx September 10, 2009
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something which until now one has not done but wishes in the future to do.
hey man you checkin' my new wax out bro me is got it on a 12 and ting it's a refix redub shutover bruvnor by DJ King Kong.

I need that in my collection bro, must make ammends.
by splatman1 February 22, 2010
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The person you pretend to be so that people will like you, you have friends, you can hold down a job and people want to date you.
Going on a date tonight - better put my personality make-up on so she actually fancies me.
by AdLibera January 23, 2021
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when a boy or girl is always 90% of the time seen flirting with a girl/boy trying to get girls to like them
Where is Ahmed?

Over there

*talking to a girl*

i see your making links ahmed

ahmed: shut up
by MrAsdaMan November 7, 2013
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A prick who leaves to make food but is gone for the foreseeable future
Luke is gone making food! I suppose we will see him tomorrow!
by Buzz light-year September 8, 2021
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a phrase used commonly by indian married males to 14 year old girls on omegle. the "friendship" will be ended when he tries to peer pressure you into sending nudes.
"becky i want to make friendship with you"
"arent you married?"
"yes yes but its good"
by bitchboysaga6969 February 9, 2021
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