When somebody say that they heard a rumor that you was talkin' shit and get the proof and you know they wrote it for attention.
"She hit me up like...you talkin' shit. Zips Bitch You Wrote It!"
by ItzManhattan January 16, 2017
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When you dress like a fire hydrant and let someone in a dog costume pee on you.
My friend Steve got an Anthem Zip Code from a hooker the other day.
by Blaine Lake January 17, 2021
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When someone is really drunk but behaving in a most hilarious manner.
Jason was so wasted last night but we let it go because he was T-zip.
by NinjaFishy June 24, 2017
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a method of caffeine ingestion that involves mixing raw caffeine powder with a packet of sugar/artificial sweetener
person1: yoo, me and bill are tryna candyflip today, u down?
person2: naahh, i gotta work today. tired af, might candy zip later
by dont use your real name lol April 26, 2023
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When I guy gets his penis stuck in his zipper.
Guy: Babe, I think I got zip jean!

Jean Jam
by Jacklyn High October 1, 2015
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