• Description: A male endowed with length, girth, and brutal natural stamina that lead to UPD. Not to be confused with Cod (note the small “d” for the small dick).
• Parameters:
o Must be able to bring the female to vast number of orgasms through deep penetrating thrusts with a session of great duration, consisting of many positions.
o Associated female remarks:
 “OMG!”
 “Is that going to fit?”
 “It has its own zip code
 “How do you walk with that?”
 “Is that a gun in your pocket? Or are you just happy to see me? Followed by: “Honey I just put the gun on the table, that is me” – True story!
Adverse medical affects:
o Honeymoon cystitis.
o Development of a hyperactive female libido.
o Swollen, sore vaginal lips for days after (what am I saying??? I want that!)
o The woman is swollen to the point where urinating is problematic.
o Walking, for the female, may be an issue.
OMG! You need to try this! His Cock of Pelvic Destruction (CoPD) causes UPD for days! True story!
by General Buck Turgidson September 24, 2017
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A man who is astute at attracting the opposite sex and closing the deal with authority and punishment.
Did you see that guy mobbin at the bar last night? He was a straight up KMPD (King of Mass Pussy Destruction)
by Therealbgeezy July 15, 2015
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synonym for, "We've got nothing."
"Already, the Kay Report identified dozens of weapons of mass destruction-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nations."
by Whee February 1, 2004
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Various things, objects, or utensils used to obtain a buzz or get high with
Scotty wanted to get high before he went out that night so he went to his drawer to grab his implements of destruction
by Stiffy_theStifone May 4, 2022
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see Bitch; an unpleasant woman; the female of the dog or some other carnivore.
"Man I hope my boyfriend doesn't turn out to be like Noah; Mr. Self Destruct!"
by Daniel beefpiles December 15, 2006
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The "Self destruction phase" is a phase in which people suddenly become distant or plain assholes with multiple of their so-called friends. This typically happens in High School.
Girl 1: Why has Abby been saying weird things to me and leaving me on read?
Girl 2: I heard she was in the Self destruction phase.
by LinkCanBackflip November 6, 2019
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