Literally the act of punching someone in the opening of the male penis. Has to be male. Can't be female. It doesn't work that way. This saying is used to express extreme frustration toward one person or an object. For some BDSM people.. this could be a turn on. This is also used with sexual frustration.
by Johnisdead November 28, 2017
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A.K.A DO IT FLUID!!! Riot Punch is a fruit flavored DRANK such as RED OR ICE BLUE-RASPBERRY koolaid mixed with large quantities of LIQUOR in order to make a inconspicuous intoxicating beverage that can be consumed at a public event, such as a cookout, graduation party, kickback, gender reveal, or PREGAME which might lead to drunken fighting, twerking, hunching, rioting, or even a shoot out. It wouldn't be a TURN UP without some riot punch.
Hell yeah I’m going to Mook’s party, shorty be having that do it fluid!!! That riot punch!
by CandBandz July 20, 2019
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A punch to the balls so hard, one’s nuts get stuck in their ass
Do make me give you a jersey tant punch
by Firemedic39 January 9, 2023
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An act where you or another bitch gets punched with no regret in your tight vagina
My mom found out I was doing meth so she cunt punched me really hard
by Doodle scooble April 3, 2016
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Judo chop donkey punch is when you’re fucking someone doggie style then cum you Judi chop them in the neck so they tense their whole body and then donkey punch them in the ass cheek to make them stand up quickly while tense so they don’t leave any cum or shit on your dick
Guy:1 I was fucking this chick last night and gave her a judo chop donkey punch because I didn’t wear a condom
by UtzUtz69 September 5, 2022
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describes a woman who vigorously masturbates.

Can be used as an insult also
Bethan do you punch the gammon?

Example: I will punch you in the gammon!
by gammon matser September 10, 2019
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