A term to describe a woman - who's incredibly beautiful, but, her beauty is ruined by the fact that she has a horrible personality.
Friend: Stacy is hot; ¿how come you don't want to date her?

My response: she is, but, she has a face full of sugar and a mouthful of bitterness
by EmJayee January 6, 2021
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The mysterious hairs which stick to your tongue, which have you scraping your inner mouth with your long, grimy fingernails.
My cat David keeps spreading Mouth Hairs through the house!
by Flatulent_Jarvis March 16, 2020
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When you accidentally drop the N bomb in class
Teacher: why did u say that
Student: sorry sir my mouths flipped
by GawrGura@gmail.com April 17, 2021
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A person with a mouth that is sexually attractive. A man or woman that is known for being skilled in giving oral sex.
Man Jeff sure gets around a lot. I know, Clint told me that it's because he has a sexy mouth.
by dontdoitagain October 18, 2013
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When you fuck your wife in the ass and than immediately pull out, stick your cock in her mouth, than back in the butt, than back in the mouth!
Hey guys! I did the butt-mouth, butt-mouth, butt-mouth DONE last night with the wife!
by Madmonk210 September 17, 2023
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To say nasty things about someone
I heard you lousy-mouthing me to your brother in law
by Sparkina1967 May 30, 2016
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When 2 people ( usually 2 guys) put LSD between one another’s tongue and French kiss and the one who ends up with the tabb wins
If a guy says to his mate “yo we should so play mouthing on this last tabb
by Kittykaller January 30, 2022
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