Cool means ' Constupated, Over-Rated, Outdated, Loser.

Just tell someone they are cool. And let yourselfs laugh!
Me : "Heh, you VERY Cool!

Them :" Wow! Thank you~
by YeetTheBanana October 14, 2019
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Min Yoongi(SUGA): “Cool means BTS.”
by kooisbaby February 7, 2020
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A cool person is somebody who isn’t a jerk or hates people for no reason.
Guy 1: Melody is so cool
Guy 2:yeah she is
Guy 1: I love melody
by Hahaha lol October 8, 2020
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im a bubbly type of person.. can easily make friends in 30 mins, i loved so much, but hates a little, you can easily make me cry, i love my family so much they were my precious treasure, and im very fund hanging out with my friends, but for now im focused with my work because i have goals in life. and i alway praised our lord all mighty
by avictoria May 25, 2010
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