swedish term for rich young moms that hang out in cafés with their expensive branded prams and dress up their babies as small fitting accessories. Everyone else is expected to think that their kids are wonders, and they do not hesitate to breastfeed and change nappies without even leaving the café table.
Oh look, these latte-mammor are entering the cafe. We better leave, it seems like all of their babies are crying.
by faked l.udsry, June 3, 2022
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Swedish term for rich young moms that hang out in cafés with their expensive branded prams and dress up their babies as small fitting accessories. Everyone else is expected to think that their kids are wonders, and they do not hesitate to breastfeed and change nappies without even leaving the café table.
Yesterday I had to wait for 20 minutes in the Starbucks line while Latte-mammor were getting their lattes. I am done with these crying babies.
by faked l.udsry, June 3, 2022
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Interracial baby, interracial couple, interracial relationship, interracial marriage, interracial children, interracial.
Their baby is Caffe Latte
by Bad Man Movement January 17, 2021
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When a girl quiefs but a little bit of the previous suitors cum drips out into your mouth after the couple had mexican food the night before.
I gave that fool a Spanish latte and he had no idea!
by SPANISH DIVA June 19, 2022
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Leon Latt is an adjective. An adjective equivalent to so good. So good that it is great. So great that it is excellent. So excellent that it beats a glass of water when you are super dehydrated (i.e., you haven't drunk any water in 24 hours + ran outside in 25 degree heat).
My day was Leon Latt
by gumgirl789 November 27, 2022
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A term referring to a basic white girl or just white person, or a group of white people.

Originating from a Jacksfilms video when he tries to think of a new slur for whites.
Oh look, we got a couple lattes walking in. Prepare yourself for the basic Snapchatting of their food.
by Coleslaw Productions January 24, 2017
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