To do a chick doggy style then squeeze her stomach so the faeces flow on to your cock. Then you empty them into a jar along with some urine. Then you fuck the bitch but cum into the jar. Shake the jar well so the concoction becomes a thick paste. Then travel down to the nearest cemetery and dig up a decomposing corpse. Spread the jar contents into all orifices then get a midget to jump up and down on the corpse while you eat all the black organ juices out of the ass. Meanwhile a dog is inserting its penis into your ass and its so good your cum shoots hard into the ground and the midget gets splashback while all the black juices dribble down your mouth.
Person 1: Why is John so happy today?
Person 2: He must have had a sloppy munt special last night.
Person 1: Fuck those are awesome!
Person 1: Why is John so happy today?
Person 2: He must have had a sloppy munt special last night.
Person 1: Fuck those are awesome!
by pomegrante_slayer January 22, 2021
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Small flavorful mushrooms growing on the munt (where the sac connects to the Gooch on the back side. ) you can take these can and make Herbal yea
Mmmm I just harvested my munt shrooms and made some munt juice. (tea) wanna try some spenc and stu?
by January 9, 2022
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completely off your face to the point of facial distortion
"i walked into an art gallery yesterday and was so munted that someone asked if i was for sale"
by petemaaan June 22, 2012
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Munted (verb)- a psychological state of mind that consists of soaring levels of euphoria and a stimulating sensation, reached through the consumption of an abundance of one drug, or a combination of drugs and/or alcohol, sometimes reached right after conjestion or over an extended period of time. This is typically subjective depending on the individual and their tolerance.
Typically one or more of the following factors primarily influence the time it takes to reach this mental state.

They are;
- The amount of consumption and the quality of the product(s).
- Energy levels.
- Sleep deprivation.

- Psychological state of mind.
- Other similar influencing factors.
- The end of the half life of the product(s) and/or the declining euphoric sensation as this peak levels conclude.

This feeling is described as a highly elevated, almost overwhelming, yet tolerable state of mind.
Last week when Tom and I went out to Red Square, I was so munted that I felt like I was dragging my jaw behind me from the start of the night.
by Sam Anel West August 29, 2018
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when something is absolutely retarded and broken
kid with broken leg: oi my leg is munted
by megachigga December 4, 2019
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fucked and/or fallen into disrepair
i munted her last night in my car

my cars munted man

your face is munted like the government

my swag is munted
by swag man June 1, 2014
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Too fucked up to function.

Stuttering, blubbering mess.
Unable to get it up
I looked at him for his lmput...
But he was too munted to talk
by Nkrypted June 5, 2021
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