Macy is a curly head bitch who never wipes her arse and stinks her boyfriend room out. She always leave skids on the bed shits and in her underwear.

Her vagina looks like chewbacca
Wtf Macy you shit the bed AGAIN
by Bigcam August 22, 2020
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A girl who is really funny, happy, kind and amazing. She has brown hair with deep brown eyes. She wears sweaters almost everyday in the fall and winter. She is beautiful and will always make you feel happy when your sad. She usually has a small group of friends and is very loyal to them. She likes to hang out with friends, but doesn't really have guys in her life. She is very humble and will always make everyone laugh around her. She makes others laugh on the daily. She is REALLY good at online doodle jump and will never let you win. She is really short, like REALLY short (4, 10) she does dance, but not really any other sports. She loves romantic and hallmark movies, especially around Christmas. SHE CRIES REALLY EASILY. But will be strong in many situations. If you have a macy as a friend, or even a best friend you are the luckiest person on the face of the Earth. Never let a Macy go. If you are about to lose her, go snatch her up and become besties again, you will never regret having her as a best friend who will stay with you through thick and thin.
Jackson: Bro do you see that girl over there, she is so beautiful with her deep brown eyes and hair
Ethan: I know bro... She is DEF a Macy.
by Bestie-123 November 4, 2019
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She sucks cock really well, total hoe. She’s also really a good person who shouldn’t be overlooked because she is a real keeper.
F-boy: Damn my cock hurts cause how much I fucked Macy last night.
Nice guy: If only you appreciated her for more than her pussy
by Luchador Vespucci October 6, 2020
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That one person that always flirts with everyone and thinks she has friends but no on likes her

She constantly wants attention and wants to get in bed with random people she doesn’t know she probably the only person who’s friends with people under the age of 13
by Yassin Aly June 20, 2020
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Makes out with guys in front of her bff.
macy did it again
by and i mack July 9, 2018
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She’s a fucking goddess don’t ever let her go if it’s the last thing you do she’s so sweet and funny, caring snd loving, the hottest girl you’ll ever meet and she’s an amazing kisser, so be sure to make out with her.
Boy 1: Damn that girls hot
Boy 2: Must be a Macy
by expelliarmus6969 November 1, 2020
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Macy is the prettiest, skinniest, kindest gal you’ll meet. She loves making people laugh and she also loves helping people. But typically she can be quite judgmental, but her amazing personality makes up for it. If you ever meet a Macy, keep her forever because she’ll be rich one day and make you her servant, AND YOULL GET PAID REALLY WELL. But don’t be fooled, she might trap you in her sex dungeon… In conclusion, find yourself a Macy today, you won’t regret it 💅
by WillyLicker101 November 24, 2021
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