it's a particular blasphemy of north-east Italy, it's like "god pig" but in that dialect "maschio" is the pig.
you can us also "maschiaccio"
ma perchè non parte il trattore dio maschio?!
ma che cazzo dici dio maschiaccio?!
by mbaremiroslav01 January 5, 2017
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An Italian blasphemy used in really rare cases of extreme hurting or when dealing with serious problems. It literally means "God is a Kobra". It's usually screamed, making the actual words longer than they were supposed to be.
Dio Cobra's using Examples:
1-"Diiiiiioooo Cooooobrrrraaa, I carramba hanno imboccato!"
"Diiiiiioooo Cooooobrrrraaa, the police came!"
2-"Dioooo Cooooobraaaaaa, me so rotto er dito, Dio canagliaaaaaa!"
"Dioooo Cooooobraaaaaa, I broke my finger, Dio canagliaaaaaaaa!"
by DioSporco February 21, 2017
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A swear that literally means something similar to pimp God but puttanoide isn't a real word so

It gives a demential sense to the swear
Dio puttanoide....mi sono cadute le chiavi nel tombino
by Daghegasuncolpo December 7, 2016
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A second level Italian imprecation created to call God as the bird that can't fly, the Penguin. Mostly used by the most creative ones.
"Guarda che sorca quella!" - "Dio Pinguino!"
"Look how hot that girl is!" - "Dio Pinguino!"

"Fanculo sta merda, Dio Pinguino!"
"Fuck this shit, Dio Pinguino!"

"Varda te che roba, sei inutile come il Dio Pinguino"
"Look at that, you're useless like Dio Pinguino"
by Sbinzlo November 23, 2017
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Juan de Dios is the most compassionate human being. He is funny and loves eating!! Juan de Dios loves girls. He likes to play computer. He is sensitive likes titanic movie.
He is handsome, intelligent and generous
Omg you know Juan de Dios? Lucky you
by Irenediamondz January 9, 2022
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Juan de Dios is one of the best people you could meet. His personality is one of a kind. He's one of the funniest people. He can be sarcastic and stubborn at times. He's smart and understanding. He's there for you. He knows how to treat a girl and make her feel special. He's a jealous guy when in a relationship only because he's afraid to lose you. He's romantic and will go through so much just to stay by your side. He's a guy with real feelings and will know how to make you smile even on your worst days. He'll make you feel worth more then what you think. You'll never wanna leave his side. Juan de Dios is basically perfect.
Juan de Dios or Juan del Diablo
by Donky kong the ape November 22, 2021
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