When a person is confused but stumped at the same time.
Student: I don’t understand this topic

Other student: I know I’m confuzzled
by Idkwhattocallthisaccount July 12, 2020
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To be confused and puzzled at the same time.
I am very confuzzled about this Algebra equation.
by Clownfish02 February 23, 2016
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For when a person is super confused, but they do not know how to describe how confused they truly are.
Bob told me that he was going to my house on Tuesday, but I was not going to be home that day, so I was confuzzled.
by Gibbonzzz October 17, 2018
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A word that is a cross between "confused" and "puzzled" and is fun to say
I am very confuzzled, I don't understand.
I am confuzzled as to why you would put a fork in the garbage disposal.
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A mixture of the words confused and puzzled
I am so confuzzled

(Used same way as the words puzzled and confused)
by Roxait March 19, 2016
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