"this pizza is teh 1337 sauce"
by Jeff April 10, 2005
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Should be spelled out Leetsauce. I invented the fackin word so this definition is the only real one. It means either someone or something is the fackin shit. It can also refer to my personal sauce collection in the refridgerator.
by Polizei October 23, 2006
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Strange language used in the internet, often used by noobs.Normally incomprehensible for perople who don't use it, it's usually better not to try and understand it or else you could hurt yourself.It's greater enemy is grammar.
User of 1337 $p3@k:1 iz w1nz0rz u $uk$ b411$ !!!!1111!!oneeleven!!1one!!
by jorgijus December 18, 2010
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An awesome nerdcore group out of Texas. Featuring the lyrical stylings of MC Router and the awesome beats of T-Byte. Y'know they tend to pwn it up.
Dude 1: Dude you listen to nerdcore?
Dude 2: Haha what the fuck's that?
Dude 1: Hear listen to this!
Dude 2: DUDE! What is this?
Dude 1: It's 1337 Geek Beat, they're nerdcore.
Dude 2: Man this shit pwns.
by angusamacdonald November 15, 2006
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Madoka#1337 is a very cool discord user, and they love their gf!
Madoka#1337 loves their gf fr
by madoka#1337 February 5, 2023
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1337 o' clock (Leet o' clock) is the term gamers use to describe 13:37h (1:37 PM).
It is also known as:
• L33t 0' c105k
• 1337h / L33th / Leeth
• 1337 0' c0ck(xx)
• L337 0' c10ckz
Three friends are playing Counter-Strike.

|MR| St0n3d~K1ng: y0 N1GguH wi R p14iyn tis sh1t f00 h0urz! wut t1em iz it?
|MR| Konane's GF: iz l33t 0' c0ck--clock.
{p47-is-gay-clan} Dark=): what do you mean? thirteen thirty seven?

|MR| Konane's GF: LOLL U F41L 4 T3H LULZ!11!!!1ONE!1
{p47-is-gay-clan} Dark=): what's wrong? =(
|MR| St0n3d~K1ng: fucka evah heard of l33t-spe4kz? 1337 o' clock = 13:37h ..-_-~
{p47-is-gay-clan} Dark=): could you say that in PM/AM?
|MR| Konane's GF: D4MN AM3R1C4NN!
by R0DR1G0 November 22, 2010
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Slag used while playing on-line games is called "leet speak" and more experianced playes or thouse with too much time on their hands would say 1337 = leet and $p3@k = speak
leet meaing elite and speak as in talking.
learn some 1337 $p3@k n00b
by Aramoru August 28, 2007
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